Barley is a grain commonly seen on dog food labels. Barley is a carbohydrate that provides fiber content and has a high rating of digestibility. Barley also has one of the lowest glycemic indexes of all cereal grains.
Dried distillers grains, or DDGs, were the most significant coproduct from ethanol production, in both size and value. Dried distillers grains are a major coproduct from the production of ethanol from grain. DDGs are typically used as a protein-rich animal feed.
Corn is a high-energy feed that can help cattle to maintain their weight and to produce milk or meat more efficiently than a diet of only grass or hay. Convenience—Corn can be stored and transported more easily than fresh grass or hay.
Millrun is the most common by-product of flour manufacturing available for livestock feeding. It consists of the bran, aleurone, germ and pollard fractions. The wheat seed consists of various layers. The outermost layer is the bran fraction and under this is the aleurone layer.
Oats, in particular, are a good choice of grain for pets. They are quick-cooking and contain more protein per calorie than any other common grain. Oats have anti-inflammatory and skin-soothing properties.
Milo, or sorghum, is one of the top cereal crops in the world. The United States is the leading producer of this ancient grain, where it is used primarily for cattle feed. Milo feed is gluten-free and a good source of protein, fiber, antioxidants, B vitamins, phosphorous, copper, manganese, and iron.